Thursday, June 5, 2008


So tonight i worked on a Hi Hat pattern for 3 hrs. Programming drums has always been my weakest area, and for some reason I can never seem to be happy with them. Couple this with the fact that as I keep working I slowly get better, and if I don't get a project done quickly you've got a recipe for disaster. I'll just keep going back to and reworking things until I'm satisfied.

Nudging rhythmic fragments and tiny aural particles isn't my idea of a fun time making music. I'd rather be jamming or writing new tunes. But if the end result is something even slightly better(and in this case it is), I guess I find it justifiable.

So now Empires is sounding slightly less plodding and has some diversity and momentum. I still think it needs a touch of spice here or there, but it's on its way. Onwards to the next one...

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