Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Slow and steady...

So I've got this unfinished album that's been hanging in limbo like a dark shadow over me for the better part of a year. Sometime last summer I just sort of abandoned work on it. It might have been cuz I was stressing over bullshit problems in my living situation, or possibly due to constant delays and cancellations with getting the vocals recorded. But whatever the reason, it's been so much easier just to not face it and instead focus on other projects.

The way I work is more or less like this; motivation strikes and I've got all sorts of ideas that then inspire me to try stuff out. If these experiments are successful I then start gathering a kind of momentum and that gets me off the ground and moving. If however for whatever reason I stop for too long a period of time, it becomes hard to get that initial feeling of excitement back.

So now I'm basically back in the groove, only problem is I have to keep it up and things are moving real slow. I have a lot of stuff left to do, some left over from last year, other things new ideas or realizations based on having a year's perspective and living with the record. My goal is to be done the music in early September, and if I don't meet that at least I'll be very close to done.

I only hope nothing derails the whole thing again and I don't set off in other directions with new conquests. Getting a little tired of hearing the same stuff beat me over the head...

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